Friday, August 24, 2012

I have changed the design of the Band earrings the first pair had the band logo on the back and the panther paw on the front. After Sean asked me to make some to sell for the band I started making them with the logo on the front and the panther paw on the back. I will be selling these earring and the panther paw earring for $10.00 and 20% goes to the Band boosters. I will also do custom orders and replace the panther paw with the graduation year. If you are interested in a pair you can email me at

Panther Paw Earrings

These have the panther paw on the front and I will take special order to put the graduation year on the back. I am currently working on a sample and when it is finished I will post it on the blog. I will sell these for $10.00 each with the panther paw and a graduation date on the back. If you would like a pair custom made contact me at

Monday, July 23, 2012

Dolphin pin

This piece took four colors of resin to create this pin. Each color needed to sit for 24 hours to cure before going on to the next color. It will probably be one of a kind. It was very difficult to get each color in to the proper places and the resin stay until it hardened.

Assorted Earrings